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Gevorg Bashindzhagian

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Gevorg Bashinjaghian was an Armenian artist who wielded a significant influence over Armenian landscape painting.

Born on September 16, 1857, in the small town of Sighnaghi within the eastern Georgian province of Kakheti, Bashinjaghians birthplace was then a part of the Russian Empire. His father, Zakar, passed away during a journey to Persia in 1872 when Gevorg was just 15 years old. After completing his education at a local school, he gained admission to the Arts School.

In 1878, Bashinjaghian relocated to St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia, and a year later, he enrolled as a student at the Imperial Academy of Arts. Among his instructors was Mikhail Clodt. Gevorg Bashinjaghian successfully graduated from the Academy in 1883, earning a silver medal for his work "Birch Grove."